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Mission statement

The Coquitlam Minor Football & Cheer Association's direction is to foster, develop and promote the game of football to all members within a safe, supportive and positive environment. We are committed to supporting and encouraging player development, which is achieved by consistent and quality coaching, training academies, and age-appropriate competitions so every player's maximum potential can be reached. Our aim is to provide an encouraging and inspiring football experience for all members in a way that develops and enhances their skills and passion for the game.

CMFA aims to provide all players with equal opportunity to develop their football skills and to learn the game, regardless of age, gender, physical abilities or background; we are inclusive to all who walk on our fields. Coquitlam Minor Football & Cheer encourages and promotes good sportsmanship, teamwork, community involvement, and respect; these serve as the foundation for all games, activities, academies and players associated with the club. Every CMFA member deserves to enjoy the game, have fun and make lasting friendships.

Value Statement

The following values and guiding principles are fundamental to the well-being of our Association:

  • Honesty and commitment to the highest level of professional integrity
  • Promotion and maintenance of a family-friendly culture at the club based on mutual respect in the relationships between the association, executive members, players, referees, visiting associations and associated supporters
  • Avoidance of imposing any personal morality views on association members, players, referees, visiting associations and associated supporters
  • Adherence to all codes of conduct that each member has signed: player, coach, parent and executive
  • Promotion and maintenance of a high level of sportsmanship in playing football both within our own association and when away visiting other associations
  • Open, concise and transparent channels of communication
  • Recognition of our community service obligations to provide a foundation and stable platform for youth development
  • Respect and compassion for the dignity of ethnic backgrounds and cultural diversity

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Board of Directors
Brad DesLauriers
Tim Jurgielewicz
Vice President
Greg Hayward
Kristi Hayward
Kay Jurgielewicz
Nick Chessa
Coaches Coordinator
Taryn Reeves
Cheer Coordinator
Ashley George
Managers Coordinator
Clayton Kazakoff
Equipment Coordinator
Pam Decker
Trainers Coordinator
Kathy Myers
Marketing & Fundraising Coordinator
Teddi Braniski
Concession Coordinator
Sean Myers
Clubhouse Coordinator
Bill Chase
Field Coordinator
Adam Smith
Flag Coordinator